Order Cancellation
If you decide you want to cancel your order after the item has shipped, you will be charged the shipping. After you refuse the item(s) and we receive the product back your credit card will be credited the full amount minus the shipping.
Refund Policy
In case of order cancellation, your refund will proceed within _4_to_5_ business days from submission of your cancellation. We will update you via email once your refund has been initiated.
The total time for the refund to be reflected in your account depends on your refund method and issuing bank. We will refund the full amount of the product canceled but the customer bank may charge a transaction fee as per their policy.
If the company does not get a response from the customer within a week, the order gets canceled automatically.
If we refund by credit card, we will only refund the amount we received, and bank charges will be borne by the customer.
Refunds will only be provided through the bank, in the case of cash payment the customer will have to provide their bank details in order to receive the refund.